Demo Reel

1. Weapons chest- all aspects 2. Mech warrior- all aspects 3. Noodle- all aspects 4. Helmsman chair- all aspects 5. Firefly- Modeling and textures 6. Malcom- UV texture 7. Torpedo hit- Visual Effects 8. Lord of the Rings- Green screen 9. Cottage- all aspects 10. Monster- Tazer Effect 11. User Interface- all aspects 12. Textures- all aspects 13+ Traditional art

Monday, January 24, 2022

Friday, April 9, 2010

my newest Model.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A fun Weekend of hair, rock band, etc

Another day.....another blog.

I had a lovely weekend with my sister Robin and brother in laws.

Robin came up friday, much the happiness that it is. We stayed up late playing rock band and watched Kung Fu panda. An excellent movie. The animation is fantastic. The simple yet wonderful textures and scenery is such eye candy and the styole of the charachters are really fun. the story is fun and the dialouge hilarious.

Robin cut hair the next day. Many of us needed or wanted it and robin stepped in very kindly. It took quite a while to get mine done ad I wanted it in a specific style. It came out awesome. Later we did some fun makeup and took pictures. Robin is doing a fun calender for christmas and all of us get a page for our pictures. they came out really cool and as soon as she sends them to me I am going to have lots of fun with them.

The other good news is that After going over finances for the month we figured I can go to Tan'is wedding. I get to be a bridesmaid and everything. Much happiness. I look forward to seeing my gal pals from college. we are such a close knit group it will be so much fun to be together.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rip off...Er inspired? Hey it's Me, Eileen!

Hello! As my sister Robin has started a blog to tell of her grand adventures in life to the world. I thought, HEY! I should do one too. I never email updates of my life anymore, so now people can come here and see how I'm doing, and what's new in my life.

Okay so whats is up with me and my life?

I am currently living in Titusville Florida (near NASA) with my parents, Joy and Scott Jolley. Also living here are my younger brothers, Ben (my twin) and William (just a year younger than me :D )

It will be 3 years married in November 17th. My Husband is Chris Bowen. He is tall, scrawnier than a stick, adorable sweet, a total geek, and the love of my life. We met (kinda) at church but didn't get to know each other until a ward singles activity of putt putting on cocoa beach. We all drove in the parents car. It was me, Ben, Will and Chris. We talked and hung out..and on my gosh he laughed at my jokes! About a week (or two?) he got up the nerve to call me and asked me out to a movie. Ice age 2 was playing and we went to go see it. Soon he was coming over after work almost everyday to hang out with me. About 6 months later We were engaged. he asked me in the middle of watching spiderman 2 while we were snuggling on the couch. Unromantic, but it was kinda cute in it's own way. ((I mean hey were geeks!)) our engagement lasted about 3-4 months and we were married in the Orlando Temple november 17, 2006. he moved into my parents house and he worked and i found a school to go to.

I started the school in september 2007. It was the Digital Animation and Visual effects School at universal studios. It is not run by Universal but on the back property of the amusement park. (It was weird to go outside at lunch time and here peopole screaming from the dueling dragons roller coaster.) It was fun and I learned a lot in my year crash course. (Even though the loan is soooo expensive!) A year later, I am still looking for work. But....

I was lost for that year as I desperately wanted to move out of my parents home and live the life of my own family with my husband. Finally at the end of november, I did a bit of soul searching. I prayed, read scriptures, fasted, got a blessing, and opened my heart unto the Lord. A few weeks later i recieved the answer. He wanted me to start a family. now Chris is about to start full time (conveniently just having a full time position open up!) and I am looking into getting health insurance to cover as much of the costs as possible.

I continue my artwork and 3D art. I am also looking for a part time job. We also got some small "pocket pets". A couple of baby sugar gliders. We have a male, cid (neutered poor guy) and female, Yuffie. They have been a great addition to out little family and we love them. The7y are also a good ice breaker in helping us to get used to the idea of having kids.

hmm more about me.

I play the violin (over 10 years), sing, love musics of ALL kinds (except for most of rap and country, all though there are exceptions). I love to read and am a big fan of fantasy and much of sci-fi. I have been drawing since 8th grade. once in a while I attempt to play the Mandolin. (same strings as the viloin so it transfers really well for me.)

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Or Mormon byt the nickname. I believe in Christ, god, the holy Ghost (as seperate beings), A current day Prophet, The book of Mormon, the Bible, Temples and the power to seal families together forever. I served as a missionary for This church in the Sacramento California mission.

I am a gammer and anime fan. I love to play many types of games (except most sports, if your gonna play sports do it outside for reals!) I love anime (Japaneses cartoons) because a lot of it is cartoons for bigger kids. They tend to have more complex plots, but are also silly and fun.

My dreams are to someday visit all over the world, or at least visit Japan. I also hope to work on making video games, and hopefully in a big nice company like Naughty Dog, Blizzard, Square-Enix. oh and of course have a wonderful family and life with my husband in our OWN house etc.

Hope you enjoyed learning about me, and stay tune for ocassional updates, artwork and other goodies!

Eileen Day Jolley Bowen

See my art gallery at